Moon folk

The 50th anniversary of Apollo landing on the moon approaches, which is a great and wonderful thing, because it means a plethora of all things Luna, and hopefully there will be some gold among the dross. Coincidentally, I have just finished the final draft of my third story about the Apollo mission, and launched it […]

Quick, drop everything!

Check out the winter 2018 edition of Space and Time magazine, featuring “Store in a Dark Place” by yours truly. It takes place in a dark, dark world that I have visited before in “Avoiding Gagarin” in Aurealis and “The Big Reveal” in Kaleidotrope. Must … read … NOW!

Well played, straight bat and a fine century

Aurealis, a much loved and very entertaining science fiction and fantasy magazine that also happens to be Australian*, has released its 100th edition. In the world of genre periodicals, this is an excellent achievement. Congratulations to all involved, well played!   *And just happened once upon a time, way back in edition #68, to include […]

Bio? The letter ‘C’

Submissions require an author bio. I struggle with this. I look to others for inspiration. Some people include a half page of whimsy, at which I cringe, and have no publication credits, because they have not published anything. Others have a stream of credits, and of course, I can’t emulate that. Some list all the […]

New editions

The latest editions of Aurealis and Three-Lobed Burning Eye are available now, always worth a look… … recommended for your speculative reading pleasure …

“Avoiding Gagarin” published

Thank you to the kind folk at Aurealis magazine who have included my story, “Avoiding Gagarin”, in their latest edition. And they have included a cool art work as well. This has been a fun time for me. I had three stories accepted for publication in three different magazines at quite different times, however they […]

A million good reasons to read Aurealis magazine …

Perhaps I exaggerate slightly.  On making my way through the latest edition, I came across the following: Next Issue Aurealis appears ten times a year. Every month except January and December. The next issue, Aurealis #68 will be published in March 2014 featuring: “Icarus” by Tara Calby and “Avoiding Gagarin” by David Stevens I knew […]

SF subscriptions … Crossed Genres …

A shout out here from Crossed Genres magazine, requiring 600 subscriptions before the end of the year so that it doesn’t close its doors forever. A year’s subscription for $15. There are few enough professional markets for speculative fiction, so check it out and see if it interests you, before the chance is lost forever […]